Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Katy 4/28/09

Yesterday, since it was so nice out, Nikki and I attempted to go for a jog in Prospect Park. Of course, by "jog in the park" we really mean "powerwalk so we can gossip." Still, we had a good workout. When I looked it up on www.mapmyrun.com, it says we went 3.7 miles. Pretty good!

As we were walking, there was this really lanky guy pushing a bass. Since his legs were as tall as Nikki's whole self, he had a good stride going and was pretty much keeping up with us even though I felt like we were walking blazing fast. He was laughing at us as we were mocking a couple who we'd passed, "if he's gonna call me a mother fucker, I'm gonna act like a mother fucker!" (or Nikki's version, "if you're gonna call me a mother fucker, I'm gonna fuck your mother!")

So then conversation ensued...
Bass Boy (BB): "Why aren't you guys running? Powerwalking is for fat people. You guys are like... fit."
Nikki: "Because if we run, we can't talk to each other. And because we're lazy."
BB: "You're not lazy. Lazy people do the elliptical. Lazy people do the elliptical while watching People's Court and Judge Joe Brown."

Note: I absolutely do the elliptical 90% of the time I work out, and love to watch HGTV or, ironically, The Food Network while doing so. Yeah so, I loved him. We bid adieu and sent him on his way.

Double fiber honey wheat English muffin - 1 pt [whole grain]
Laughing Cow - 1 pt [dairy]
Morningstar Farms sausage links - 1 pt [protein]

Starbucks skinny vanilla latte - 2 pts [dairy complete]

An awesome salad from Cer-te, with my other gay boyfriend/great friend/hair stylist, Dave.
Lettuce & tomatoes - 0 pts [veggie]
With couscous, lentils, olives, black beans and tuscan white beans - 4 pts [fiber/protein fantasy - protein complete]
Feta cheese - 2.5 pts [dairy super complete]
Oil & vinegar - 2.5 pts [oil complete]
2 little brownie bites - 2 pts [fatty orgasmo complete]

Of course we stopped at a Mexican restaurant on the way home from our walk.
7 tortilla chips & salsa - 2 [veggie]
Veggie fajitas: Grilled broccoli, squash, zucchini and cauliflower; sauteed peppers, onions - 3 pts for any oil used although I honestly think there was barely any [veggie definitely complete!]
Whole wheat wrap to substitute flour tortillas - 3 pts [whole grain complete]

I dipped into my weekly flex points a little bit, but I feel okay about it because I was eating almost entirely HGs all day, with the exception of the brownie bites.

1 comment:

  1. yes, he was bushing a big bass instrument. not a guitar. like an orchestra one, i think.
