Well, I had a pretty good weekend.
Friday night, we went to Eva's for movie night. She made a nice healthy dinner that was also delicious - veggies sauteed in balsamic vinegar (I never would have thought to do that but it was so good), and chicken semi-marsala, in low fat/high fiber wraps. We watched Ghosts of GFs Past, which was unbelievably campy and cheesy. Then they watched The Proposal, but I promptly fell asleep in my usual movie watching manner. I drank two glasses of wine - and that was ALL I drank all weekend. Can you believe it? I know.
Saturday I woke up and made breakfast for Alex. I'm really starting to love cooking and especially for Alex. Fortunately I cook healthy things because I make him eat so much, he could turn into the 2 ton man if I weren't so health conscious. I made egg whites (plus 1 yolk for flavor/consistency) with zucchini. To mine I added feta, to his mexican cheese and hot sauce. Oh, and tater tots. Did I say I was health conscious?
I tried to go to yoga, but I failed. I was running late and missed the bus, so instead I came upstairs and rolled around on my mat for about 10 minutes before deciding there were other things I'd rather do, like spend money I don't have.
I spent a good amount of time on both Saturday and Sunday shopping. Urban Outfitters is having some sort of wild ecstasy glory sale where all the stuff that's already on sale is an additional 50% off. I got over $700 worth of clothes for $160. I'm wearing one of my new dresses right now (fortunately it's over 60 degrees here today), and oh- whats that- it's a size 4!
Sunday morning for breakfast I made fancy french toast. Again I used egg whites + 1 yolk, lots of vanilla and some cinnamon. Then, I simply put some frozen berries in the micro and melted them down to make a "sauce" for the french toast. Doused the toast in powdered sugar and some butter, and voila!

And for dinner Sunday night, I tried something new. I made spaghetti squash for the first time, and then sauteed up some zuch and broc in oil. I shredded- or whatever it is you do- the squash to make it into "pasta" and mixed it all together with some feta and kidney beans. I just had some of the left overs for lunch. SO GOOD!
I have no weigh-in update as I haven't weighed myself in over a week. Maybe tomorrow.
size 4!! way to go lady!! and that is so nice that you cook for alex, don't tell matt that, he will chuck me and try to steal you.