Liz, Katy, and Bobby eat cantaloupe.
Just wanted to quickly check in:
- Weighed in this morning. 161.8. According to WeightWatchers.com, that is the lowest ever, but I could have sworn I'd hit 160.x at some point. So that means I've lost one pound for the fourth week in a row. I've been spoiled by big numbers in the past, so I'm trying to remind myself that that is the perfect definition of slow and steady. And that summer is still 16 weeks away and I certainly don't have 16 pounds to lose.
- I also need to adjust to the fact that in theory, I'm trying to gain as much weight (in muscle) as I'm trying to lose. A friend who did P90X gained ten pounds of muscle after completing just half of the program. For some reason mentally, I really feel the need to cross the 160 line though. This will be my first Tuesday-Tuesday with full commitment...so could it be the 1.8 pound week I need? WE WILL SEE.
- On that note, Sunday is the Super Bowl, aka appetizer day, aka my Heaven/Hell. I am just going to hide in a cave, so I should be fine.
- Last night I was telling Katy that I just wanted Zac Efron-on-the-beach body this summer, although I should be more realistic. She fired me up and believes I can do it. I guess at this point the lack of certainty for me is that I don't have any experience building muscle, so I don't know how long that takes (or how long it will take on me.) Still, I'm a firm believer in shooting for the top, so feel free to oggle my hip bones and wide shoulders this summer.
I feel like these things sound like gripes, but thats not how I intended this post at all. I am LOVING Former Fattie February and am so confident all three of us are going to have a great month....followed by several more. This is one of the trickiest periods...we've hit our stride, now we need to stick with it.
So with that said, I am going to go eat a healthy breakfast and then work out for the fourth day in a row.
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