Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fun with digital scales!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Forever Former
Today really begins the true test of The Former Fatties. With no deadline in sight, it is easy to let our good habits slip away and our pounds slowly (or maybe quickly) return. I've been holding out on sharing this until after the contest was over, but this is what I looked like in January 2008, just over a year after my last contest:
Not pretty. Damn near Swamp Thing, actually. This can never happen again. Never. Maybe it is because I lost, but I really am not experiencing the "Its OK to let myself go a little, I look great!" that I did last time. The interesting thing about that is that I'm about 15 pounds below where I was then. It could also be that the summer is starting, so standards are raised. Or I just have learned from that mistake. Either way, I have a plan...
As of yesterday, I am officially registered to compete in my first triathlon on August 31st. Last summer, I had really gotten into the idea of being a triathlete. I swam all through childhood and on my high school team, I had just bought a bike, and running was becoming part of my fitness ritual. Still, when I actually looked into it back then, I knew it was too much for me.
Well not any more. I'm REALLY looking forward to having a fitness goal that does not involve the scale or a specific body fat percentage. The race is a 1km swim (in open water), 15 km bike ride, and a 3 mile run. That roughly translates to 0.6, 9, and 3 miles, respectively. Its in just over 3 months. We all know how much we can change ourselves in just a few months, so I really can't wait.
Good news is, my ankle really doesn't hurt anymore. Bad news is, I am limping due to a cut on the bottom of my foot I got while jumping out of a kayak in Lake Katy. All in the name of victory though, Katy's and my team won handily.
I told Katy this weekend that out of spite I was going to do everything I could to make sure that she had to go on her victory shopping spree at Dress Barn WOMAN. Now that the Post-FF weekend is over, I'm back to supportive mode. We can do this KFC!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Katy, The Champion.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Settle down.
bagel with cream cheese, iced coffee, 5 mini banana bread muffins, chocolate chip cookies, Pop chips, turkey wrap with swiss and honey mustard, berries, grapes, buffalo chicken wrap with extra blue cheese, belgian fries, a pitcher of white sangria, mint chocolate chip italian ice...
Oh, that was just yesterday.
Today, trying to get back on track (HA!): egg whites on whole wheat toast, iced tea (unsweetened, with 1 Splenda), an apple, Taco Bell bean burrito, some Mountain Dew, some crackers, and am about to go to dinner with my parents and Alex and I think I'm going to have a cheeseburger...
And tomorrow's my BBQ, where I plan to eat at least 1 dozen hot dogs and my weight in potato salad.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is:
Bobby Rowe, please don't ask for a re-call.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
So either way, it's going to be nice for one of us, when the loser (Bobby) pays for a $150 shopping spree for the winner (me).
Stay tuned tonight... Bobby and I are having a sleep over so that we can weigh in together first thing in the morning. I'm 100% sure there will be multiple videos made throughout the night, as right now we are chatting about tonight and it seems unsure whether we'll do P90x in my 100 degree apartment all night, or just get wasted and dehydrate ourselves for maximum weight loss tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I mean at this point I might as well blog right on to the finish line.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Former Fatties...forever?
3, 2, 1...
I'm sitting here eating my pseudo-parfait (Trader Joe's 0% fat Greek yogurt-Pomegranite flavor, fiber one, and mixed berries), reading Bobby's latest entries and realizing just how close we are to the end.
It is crunch time and I am trying SO hard to be good this week and really end on a strong note. This weekend I tried to start my good habits, and let me tell you, it was difficult. However, these are the incredible, SO not me, choices I made:
- At the bagel place Saturday morning, I got egg whites on wheat toast. Not an everything bagel with cream cheese, which was all I wanted.
- We opened my beach house on Saturday, and I didn't drink. This may seem like a non-sequitor, but you have to understand it's impossible for me to be on Fire Island and not drink. We even had a liquor store on Long Island ship over a bottle of Grey Goose for my family to enjoy... as we cleaned the blinds and swept the floors... in broad daylight... (alcoholics?)
- On Sunday, there was a MASSIVE street fair on 5th Ave by my house, stocked with all my favorites - fried Oreos (<3<3<3), sausage & peppers, hot dogs, these grilled cheese sandwiches from heaven made with corn bread and mozzarella, etc. What did I have? Corn on the cob. NO BUTTER.
- Sunday night, went out for Mexican, wanted a margarita so bad or at least a Sangria, but I had seltzer.
Oh also, I discovered this little miracle at TJ's that I had for dinner last night and were so good. They are Chicken Cilantro Won-Tons, or maybe Dumplings. Yeah, dumplings. They are 50 cals, .5g fat, and 1g fiber for 4. They're tiny, and so low in points, I had 2 servings last night. Sprinkle a little Parmesan on those bad boys...DELIGHT. They are in the freezer section.
Okay I have to verbalize my feelings and fears of this contest being "over". Every year, I lose some weight in anticipation of the summer season. Then, it comes, and I'm like "yeah, I lost some weight, beers and hot dogs all the time, it's okay!" and then I'm surprised why, come Thanksgiving, I'm 10lbs heavier than I was at Memorial Day. So that's why I don't want this to end. I mean, the contest obviously will, but maybe we can keep blogging? (And this isn't even my own request, as some of my friends have asked that we keep the blog alive forever.) Bobby, I agree, to achieve your dream of "summer gay fit" it may be a good idea to go on maintenance and just start exercising like some sort of work horse. You are already so skinny. Like, so skinny.
...I'm currently contemplating the cost-effectiveness of hiring a Cotton candy man/stand to sit outside Bobby's house for the next 72 hours...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Has Katy enlisted my mom?
In Brief...
- Saturday I (OK, weirdly) said to my brother, "Look at my belly!" while lifting my shirt. He said, "Well let me see when you're not sucking it in." But I wasn't sucking it in...I was pushing it out!
- As of yesterday I was still furious about my ankle. I haven't done much out of bed today, but it seems to be way better. I won't be running on the treadmill this week but I should be able to work out after all.
- I did manage to do P90X's 15 minute ab workout yesterday. I LOVE how much better you feel / look in the mirror the morning after a good workout, even if its just abs.
- Obviously everyone's body is different, but I just found out that the one summer Craig worked out all the time and got jacked (he's normally thin), he weighed more than I do now. He's less than an inch taller than me, so I've really realized I don't need to lose any more weight. I think I need to build muscle and the last fat will take care of itself. To do that you apparently need to eat A LOT (poor me.) I'm thinking that after the Former Fatties is over, I'll re-take the points quiz but select "Maintain My Weight." I'm also going to count my workout points and drink Whey Protein shakes with the extra points I get. I'm hoping that just about evens out, but I'd be very interested in hearing Katy's theory on this.
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009
My dream, Katy's nightmare.
I'm not sure if this is my worst nightmare or dream fantasy.
No diet coke?!?
French fries cooked in straight lard?!!
What I wrote instead of a blog tonight.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ah fuck.
We are such great friends, but (unfortunately) don't see each other enough to hate each other before the end of it (which I fear might happen if 2 girl friends were doing this). He is the perfect combination of supportive while still continuously lighting a fire under my ass. And we have the same lifestyle, so it makes it totally, absolutely feasable to do this together. We both, in all honestly, really weren't that overweight when we started, we both work (worked?) in advertising so we know the social/calorie-destructive part of the job, neither of us seem to love working out all that much but we do it anyway. It is just a really good balance and I am so appreciative of that night Bobby took me on a date back in January and we thought to do this.
Best. Idea. Ever.
Bobby, its funny you mention being friends at 40 because I was thinking a similar fact this morning: How much fun I am going to have with you at my wedding some day. Just WAIT til they play the Cha Cha slide. Or the Marcarena...forget about it.
A Deal Is A Deal
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Lucky 7
2. I have decided (and mostly because of the guilt trip that Alex laid on me last night), that I am not going to hold Bobby to only half his whammies from this point forward. They should all count. Fair is fair, and Alex "doesn't want any more of me crying in the car like I did last time."
3. Alex, who's team are you on? Who are you sleeping with at night?
4. As long as no one rigged my scale, as of this mornings weigh in, I am the lowest I have ever been in my adult life.
5. I can't let this get to my head with only like 10 days left, because that's when I get fat again.
6. When Bobby turns into Hulk and his muscles outgrow the shirt he wore on Saturday, I am calling dibs on it.
7. Thank you K. Holden for the pictures!
If you make me blog every day when I'm not eating that much, some posts are going to be mopey.
- Short term: I need, once again, to replace my scale. The new one broke in the exact same way as the old one. I don't know why it hasn't occurred to me sooner, but I realized while writing this post that every period that I had in which I lost a big chunk of weight I was weighing myself religiously every Sunday. There is something about weighing yourself every week that really holds you accountable. You can work to lose a half a pound or a whole pound or close to two pounds, but in just 7 days, any of those is an achievement, and a month later it really really ads up. One of my neighbors lost 60 pounds on Weight Watchers recently. She has nothing left to lose, but she still weighs herself (more than) every week. I think I should weight myself every week for the rest of my life.
- Medium term: This is a big proclamation. Today is two months from my birthday. We've proven that lives can change in two months. On my birthday, July 12, 2009, I will have a sixpack. At the very least, visible abs. I need something ambitious but obtainable on the horizon beyond the FF finish line or I will be 205 by August.
- Long term: I'd like to eventually find the balance where I can go out, have fun, enjoy the fruits of my labor, and yet not completely throw it all away all the time. Easier said than done. The party this weekend made me realize though that I love having parties because I have a crazy number of awesome people in my life, and I love surrounding myself with them. I would have had MORE fun had I not been completely shitfaced beyond all recollection. Only took me close to 24 years to figure this out, but better late than never.
Monday, May 11, 2009
We are rapidly approaching our hundredth post.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A picture is worth 1,000 blog-words...

- Katy didn't take advantage of the fact that I was wasted as much as she took advantage of the fact that I love it when my friends are wasted. I would do far more than sign away half of my remaining Whammies to get Katy to do another tequila shot.
- I am finishing the bag of Fritos that I started for breakfast this morning as I blog this. Game on?

Bobby and I sealed the deal.
So here I am, blogging, to remind BoRo & America of a couple things:
- In exchange for the tequila shot Bobby made me do, I made him promise that only HALF of his whammies from this point forward will count.
- I also somehow made Bobby vow to blog every day for the next week, and he obliged.
- He actually said the words to me, "It's your funeral."
- ...and it very well might be.
- But that doesn't negate the fact that I absolutely take advantage of people when they're under the influence.
- At this point of the game, I think I am going to channel my inner Coral from Real World Road Rules challenge. She always scared the shit out of me and fought like hell, but pretty much always won. Things may get ugly.
I took a "nap" from 8-10:30pm today and it really fucked up my sleeping pattern. I wish I was tired.
12 days. really? 12 days. How long is it that a human body can go without substenance?