So here it is. I'm pretty sure when I decided that it was OK to post this I was looking at a close shot where you could reasonably mistake me for a fit person. It definitely wasn't while I was grabbing my fat.
When I recorded this I didn't think I was posing it until the end so it probably makes more sense with that in mind. Since Katy hasn't thrust herself upon YouTube yet, I muted her name to protect her identity.
Please note the pizza box behind me.
Can't wait till this is a "before" and not "this morning."
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thursday's menu - Katy
Today wasn't awesome. Diet wise, it was fine. Life wise, not awesome. I was cranky, irritable (another word for cranky), stressed and physically wacked all day.
I gave blood, you know, doing my part to save lives (and get an extra vacation day). However, much to my dismay I was told that I couldn't exercise for 24 hours. I was REALLY planning on going to the gym tonight, for the first time all week. I was also supposed to go out to dinner with my college girlfriends beforehand, and that ended up falling through the cracks too. We all know I'm a natural born producer, and when I can't plan and schedule, my mood and my life goes to shit.
Combine that with the fact that the blood loss made me unable to see every time I stood up too fast. And the fact that knowing I'd given blood made me mentally accept that it was okay to eat as much candy as humanly possible. Among other things.
Sup drama queen.
Exercise - no, but I did get one last week one of the days I didn't blog.
HGs - yes.
Points - 20.5 / 22

I gave blood, you know, doing my part to save lives (and get an extra vacation day). However, much to my dismay I was told that I couldn't exercise for 24 hours. I was REALLY planning on going to the gym tonight, for the first time all week. I was also supposed to go out to dinner with my college girlfriends beforehand, and that ended up falling through the cracks too. We all know I'm a natural born producer, and when I can't plan and schedule, my mood and my life goes to shit.
Combine that with the fact that the blood loss made me unable to see every time I stood up too fast. And the fact that knowing I'd given blood made me mentally accept that it was okay to eat as much candy as humanly possible. Among other things.
Sup drama queen.
Exercise - no, but I did get one last week one of the days I didn't blog.
HGs - yes.
Points - 20.5 / 22

Former Fatties is Going Multi-Media
A few days ago I contemplated video blogging. The idea was to make videos after workouts, but not post any until I was in my ideal shape and therefore no longer ashamed of the early videos.
Then I saw Katy yesterday and she basically suggested the same thing! So this morning after my workout I put the computer up on the fridge and talked for 3 minutes.
And...what the hell. I'm just going to post it. Tonight.
Hope the world is ready for shirtless Bobby.
No video yet, but that is where they will live.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Getting ahead of ourselves
I'm going to post todays menu already, to prevent myself from eating anything else. Basically, I had lunch courtesy of BoRo and the KG crew and my complete lack of knowledge for what I was eating totally threw me off my game. Not sure if that was intended sabotage or not (Auria, are you getting paid?), but I just sort of lost control.
Seeing Bobby, or I should say, seeing the lack of Bobby, should have been enough to scare me into starvation mode. But, it didn't.
No HGs, no exercise.
Dinner was courtesy of my girl (and fellow WW-er) Eva, who made us an assortment or roasted veggies. She even tried the Hungry Girl/Weight Watchers standby of using crushed up Fiber One cereal instead of bread crumbs to bread something. She made breaded eggplant using Fiber One and egg whites, and it was delicious! I put some sauce on things, and some grated cheese, and I think I'm generous in saying the meal was 5 pts.

Work has been busy, I'm tired, and I need to stop dipping into my flex points during the week.
Seeing Bobby, or I should say, seeing the lack of Bobby, should have been enough to scare me into starvation mode. But, it didn't.
No HGs, no exercise.
Dinner was courtesy of my girl (and fellow WW-er) Eva, who made us an assortment or roasted veggies. She even tried the Hungry Girl/Weight Watchers standby of using crushed up Fiber One cereal instead of bread crumbs to bread something. She made breaded eggplant using Fiber One and egg whites, and it was delicious! I put some sauce on things, and some grated cheese, and I think I'm generous in saying the meal was 5 pts.

Work has been busy, I'm tired, and I need to stop dipping into my flex points during the week.
And Katy should change her name to Katy Fuo-where-did-she-go?
When we hug each other its like just hugging ourselves.
No excuses, I'm just lazy when it comes to blogging.
Well, first of all, I must have that bulldog. THE cutest thing I've ever seen, hands down.
Second, I'm back in the office after being in Philly for two days on a shoot with Jazmine Sullivan, who'll bust the windows out your car. She was fantastic. The shoot was great. I love the craft services table.
Third, although I haven't been blogging, I *have* been doing a pretty good job with the diet. At least, a reasonable job. For example, Saturday night, I went out on a date with Alex to a great italian place. Instead of getting a cheese platter and pasta, which I would have loved, we shared a vegetable antipasto platter with assorted roasted vegetables, and then I got tilapia with shrimp (or as they said on the menu, "shrimps"), artichokes, roasted tomatoes and snow peas. And afterwards, instead of chugging beers, I drank cranberry-infused vodkas and seltzer. For a Saturday night, that's a victory all in itself.
I've also made the switch from my regular toasted everything bagel with low fat cream cheese, to now a scooped-out whole wheat everything with low fat cream cheese. I can still live my life, just with less carbs.
Since I like to start over on Mondays with blogging, I'll post my menus starting from then. I have everything else logged on, but usually am too lazy to write it here too. Why can't they just make an option to sync the two? Or make copy and paste format right?
Screen shots. It's unorganized because when I know the values of something I just enter it in quick rather than looking up in the database. But here:
Monday - even though I ate really healthy, the fruit/nut binge I had around 6pm on the set killed me. 12 points! Fuck. No HGs, no exercise.

Tuesday - No HGs, no exercise. But it's a success in it's own right that I stayed under, and especially so since we stopped at a rest stop on the drive back to NY and all I had was a baked potato and salad. Oh- add 1 pt for butter. So I used all 22 yesterday.

I am seeing Bobby (and Auria!) in two hours, for the first time since we started this thing. Since we'll be in a professional environment, I'm nervous as to how I am going to contain myself. But, I'm excited.
Second, I'm back in the office after being in Philly for two days on a shoot with Jazmine Sullivan, who'll bust the windows out your car. She was fantastic. The shoot was great. I love the craft services table.
Third, although I haven't been blogging, I *have* been doing a pretty good job with the diet. At least, a reasonable job. For example, Saturday night, I went out on a date with Alex to a great italian place. Instead of getting a cheese platter and pasta, which I would have loved, we shared a vegetable antipasto platter with assorted roasted vegetables, and then I got tilapia with shrimp (or as they said on the menu, "shrimps"), artichokes, roasted tomatoes and snow peas. And afterwards, instead of chugging beers, I drank cranberry-infused vodkas and seltzer. For a Saturday night, that's a victory all in itself.
I've also made the switch from my regular toasted everything bagel with low fat cream cheese, to now a scooped-out whole wheat everything with low fat cream cheese. I can still live my life, just with less carbs.
Since I like to start over on Mondays with blogging, I'll post my menus starting from then. I have everything else logged on, but usually am too lazy to write it here too. Why can't they just make an option to sync the two? Or make copy and paste format right?
Screen shots. It's unorganized because when I know the values of something I just enter it in quick rather than looking up in the database. But here:
Monday - even though I ate really healthy, the fruit/nut binge I had around 6pm on the set killed me. 12 points! Fuck. No HGs, no exercise.

Tuesday - No HGs, no exercise. But it's a success in it's own right that I stayed under, and especially so since we stopped at a rest stop on the drive back to NY and all I had was a baked potato and salad. Oh- add 1 pt for butter. So I used all 22 yesterday.

I am seeing Bobby (and Auria!) in two hours, for the first time since we started this thing. Since we'll be in a professional environment, I'm nervous as to how I am going to contain myself. But, I'm excited.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Some day we will be able to train our bulldogs to blog for us.

So a few things have happened since my last blog. Lets discuss:
- My scale broke. It has a lifetime warranty so its being replaced but that will take 2 - 4 weeks. For this Sunday's MARCH 1ST WEIGH IN SPECTACULAR I'm going to buy a scale on Friday and return it on Monday. I think that the lack of weekly weigh in is negatively impacting my performance. I posted big numbers my first two weeks, but now in my head I feel like I'm creeping back up. I really have no idea, but I'm probably right, considering my next point:
- I ate a lot. I chronicled my breakdown from early last week, but the latter part of the week I thought I was pulling myself together. Because of the general lack of point counting / weekly weigh in, I ate high-point dinners out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
- I finally received P90X. I think this is probably the biggest news and I shall devote another entry to that exclusively.
Katy and I will be seeing each other tomorrow. I will be sucking in my gut the entire time.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday's Menu - Katy
Bobby, I am REALLY proud of you. I only call you out on it here because I love you, and the only way I know how to show love is aggressively. Also, Jillian Michael's is rubbing off on me I guess, which has to stop immediately. Your loss so far is amazing; and to be honest, a little intimidating for me. You got this.
Total points: 26.5 / 22
Exercise: No. (7 total)
HGs: Yes. (7 total)
Drinks - went out for Jess' birthday to Mama's Bar.
Dinner when I got home (how did I deny birthday cake AND pepperoni pizza?!)
Total points: 26.5 / 22
Exercise: No. (7 total)
HGs: Yes. (7 total)
- Fiber cereal, skim, berries - 4
- 16 oz V8 Splash - 3
- Salad, points from EVOO & chick peas - 4.5
- Small plate of veggies, hummus, a little bit of cheese and whole wheat pita - 4
- Apple - 1
Drinks - went out for Jess' birthday to Mama's Bar.
- 3 mango-infused vodkas and soda - 6
Dinner when I got home (how did I deny birthday cake AND pepperoni pizza?!)
- Mexican pizza with peppers, points from whole wheat wrap and cheese - 4
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I fell off the wagon.

I was considering titling this entry "The Slippery Slope," but then I wouldn't have been able to share this graphic with you all. KA-BUMP!
Essentially, I've bastardized our love child because I've fallen off of the wagon. This site keeps ME accountable as well, and I haven't been holding myself accountable we are.
Looking at the blog, its really easy to watch my focus slip. I was HARDCORE for Week 1. For early last week, I wasn't as obsessive, but I would look back at the end of the day and find I had followed my points almost to the point (and blog that every other day). Before this bet, I had hovered in the 182 - 184 lb. range for months, never able to get any closer to cracking the 170s. On day 1 of the bet I had gotten up to 185.6. Two weeks later...179.2. Freaking. Awesome.
So what is the problem here? The problem is that in my content last week of "Oh lookie, I ate properly today, " I got out of the routine of tracking and immediately logging every single point. That gave me trouble by the time I got to Thursday (see below). Saturday, Craig, Kim and I went on a fancy Valentine's day dinner. It was the last day of my points week, and I had something absurd like 38 left to play with. So I pretty much said, "fuck it."
I think the problem is that there is a difference between 38 points and "fuck it." I actually made good choices when ordering, but I mean...bread and oil. More importantly, when I've decided that I'm having a "fuck it" night, that doesn't include having a glass of sangria. That involves having closer to a pitcher of sangria.
Which meant I was hung over the next day and ate: two hot dogs, a cheeseburger, and some broccoli.
So essentially what I'm telling you is that last night I ate at least half a bag of Tostitos. KA-BUMP!
OK in blogging this I feel like I'm being dramatic and its really only been a few days. What I think is important though is that had it not been for this bet, I would not have snapped out of this. It would be two weeks later and I'd have gained back the weight that it only took me two weeks to lose. So...I guess I'm going to not use any bonus points for the rest of the week and hope for the best.
10 days till March 1st...
RULE CHANGE - bonus points
Not sure if anyone has been following "the rules" as they were set in the beginning of all this, but Bobby and I talked last week and revised the bonus point system for earning HGs and exercising. Now it goes as follows:
You still earn a bonus point the same way - by getting in all your HGs, or by at least 30 minutes of exercise.
Now, 5 points = 1 pound off your final weigh in.
Bonus points carry over endlessly, until you tally up for 5, when you earn the extra pound off your final weigh in.
You can combine HG points and exercise points to reach your 5.
A maximum of 5 pounds can be used via bonus points at the final weigh in- no more.
I think that covers it.
You still earn a bonus point the same way - by getting in all your HGs, or by at least 30 minutes of exercise.
Now, 5 points = 1 pound off your final weigh in.
Bonus points carry over endlessly, until you tally up for 5, when you earn the extra pound off your final weigh in.
You can combine HG points and exercise points to reach your 5.
A maximum of 5 pounds can be used via bonus points at the final weigh in- no more.
I think that covers it.
Tuesday's menu - Katy
I've tried talking to Bobby about why he's bastardized our love child here, but I can't seem to get any answers. As for me, this shit keeps me accountable. So here's my menu:
Total points: 22/22
Exercise: Yesss. (7 total)
HGs: Yesss. (6 total)
PS. I'm taking a poll to settle a conversation. It's simple:
Are cucumbers, when they are cut up in a salad, crunchy?
Yes or no.
Reply in the comment section.
(I know this is stupid)
Total points: 22/22
Exercise: Yesss. (7 total)
HGs: Yesss. (6 total)
- Fiber cereal, milk, berries - 4
- 3 bean soup - 2
- Piece of ciabatta bread - 3
- Salad with lemon vinegarette - 2.5
- Apple - 1
- Mexican pizza with low point wrap - 2
- Fat free black bean dip - 0
- Pepper strips - 0
- Shredded light mexican cheese - 2
- Turkey - 1
- 0% Greek yogurt (fake sour cream) - 1
- and asparagus roasted in a tiny bit of oil - 1
- Snack sized Reese's heart for dessert - so good - 2.5
PS. I'm taking a poll to settle a conversation. It's simple:
Are cucumbers, when they are cut up in a salad, crunchy?
Yes or no.
Reply in the comment section.
(I know this is stupid)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday's menu - Katy (and we're back)
Well, I'm back. My cross country adventure was exactly that - an adventure. We made it back, all 2800 miles, in 4 days. Only one major hiccup, which included me, Alex, our car, the uhaul, the Rocky Mountains, a blizzard, and a snow bank.
Diet wise, I completely understand where middle America is disgustingly obese. Like, disgusting. Every single rest stop was full of packaged, processed junk food. Even for coffee, there was no option of milk. Always half and half, in 200 varieties. When I asked the cashier at a rest stop in Utah if they had any apples or other fresh fruit, she replied:
"Ohhh... uh... no. We don't got that no more. We used to. In the summer. Not anymore. We're in the middle of nowhere. No cows, no fruit, nothin."
I'm sorry, but those same people who get you 14 different variations of beef jerky can also bring you fruit. And I'm pretty sure that donut display didn't just drop straight from heaven... although in my dreams it did.
Anyway, for me personally, I really think I did a great job given my options. We ate fast food 3 meals a day, but I'd usually end up opting out of the Egg McMuffin and just having an apple and a light string cheese, which we'd bought on our way out of LA I'm still sure I went over my points, but hopefully it won't ruin my chances when it comes to our final weigh in (in only 12 days! FUCK!)
I have my menus written down from each day, but I don't think I'll post them, unless someone really wants me to.
But we'll do yesterday, since my points reset, and it will keep me on track for this week:
Points: 22/22
Exercise: Yeah right, 17 hours in the car.
HGs: No, but close actually. Closest I came the whole trip anyway.
Diet wise, I completely understand where middle America is disgustingly obese. Like, disgusting. Every single rest stop was full of packaged, processed junk food. Even for coffee, there was no option of milk. Always half and half, in 200 varieties. When I asked the cashier at a rest stop in Utah if they had any apples or other fresh fruit, she replied:
"Ohhh... uh... no. We don't got that no more. We used to. In the summer. Not anymore. We're in the middle of nowhere. No cows, no fruit, nothin."
I'm sorry, but those same people who get you 14 different variations of beef jerky can also bring you fruit. And I'm pretty sure that donut display didn't just drop straight from heaven... although in my dreams it did.
Anyway, for me personally, I really think I did a great job given my options. We ate fast food 3 meals a day, but I'd usually end up opting out of the Egg McMuffin and just having an apple and a light string cheese, which we'd bought on our way out of LA I'm still sure I went over my points, but hopefully it won't ruin my chances when it comes to our final weigh in (in only 12 days! FUCK!)
I have my menus written down from each day, but I don't think I'll post them, unless someone really wants me to.
But we'll do yesterday, since my points reset, and it will keep me on track for this week:
Points: 22/22
Exercise: Yeah right, 17 hours in the car.
HGs: No, but close actually. Closest I came the whole trip anyway.
- Fiber one bar - 2
- Starbucks coffee with milk (the ONLY place we found it the whole drive!) - 1
- OJ - 2
- Light string cheese - 1
- Taco Bell Fresco style beef soft taco & a side of pintos and cheese - 7
- Mike and Ikes - 2
- Subway 6" turkey on honey wheat, with "the works" including extra pickles and banana peppers, and fat free honey mustard - 5
- 100 cal pack of cookies - 2
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday and Friday's Menu - Bobby
Thursday was interesting. Basically, I had a pretty standard day, but then I went to an industry party. I had no idea what I was going to be having for dinner or if I was just going to be munching, so I left 15 points for it. I was really nervous about the temptation of delicious appetizers EVERYWHERE. Appetizers are, by far, the number one reason that I am overweight. They are just so little and yet so delicious that I can not stop eating them if there are any left on the premises.
For the first hour or so of the party, however, I had the EXACT OPPOSITE problem. I could barely FIND them! And when I did they were super tiny and super healthy. I thought I was going to die of starvation. I was saved by mini grilled cheeses. And then mini quesadillas. And then mini fried triangle things. Finally, I saw these little white lollipops. Then I realized that they were actually some sort of fruit on a lollipop stick. But THEN I realized that it was a frozen ball of heaven. I literally have no idea what it actually was, I think that there was some sort of white chocolate inside, but I can tell you that when you were eating it you couldn't see anything because it took over every nerve in your body. I obviously had 2. They were SMALL though, so they couldn't have been more than 20 points each.
So I look at Thursday as good and bad. The good news is, even when the deliciousness started, I did not go overboard. The bad news is that at things like this, I'm really not capable at all of figuring out how many points I had. I would estimate I went over, but hopefully only by a few points. The OTHER good news is I didn't drink anything. The other bad news is that industry parties sober are way less fun.
Friday's Menu
Definitely wanted to stay right on track here to make up for Thursday and leave plenty of points for Valentines day.
Total: 31.5
HG's Yes! (Finally)
Exercise Still no.
Yogurt - 2
MoJo Bar - 2
Lunch with Jimbo:
Tuna steak sandwich with deliciousness on top. I got it on wheat instead of a giant roll (sad), and replaced the fries with a simple salad (sadder). All together it comes to about - 14
Lots of Broccoli - 0
2 Potato Rolls - 4.5
2 Roasted Garlic Chicken Sausage - 7
Thursday, February 12, 2009
thursdays menu - katy
I am so dedicated that I'm writing this from my blackberry at jfk, waiting for my flight to la. I am also sitting in the bombay saphire lounge, trying to look important.
Honestly yesterday was bs. No workout and no aps. Fiber cereal for breakfast. Gross sandwich and guac for lunch. Thai for dinner - I got steamed veg w peanut sauce to try to make up for lunch. Overall guesstimate is that I came in around 25 points.
Usual fiber cereal w berries + milk - 4
Grapes - 1
Grilled chx on whole wheat wrap with lettuce, tomato and tzatziki - 7 (guess)
Nutter butter cookie - 2
5 stuffed grape leaves - 5
Turkey w cheddar, mayo, lettuce and tomato on sourdough - 10 (guess)
A glass of cabernet as I type this - 2
That's it. Roughly 29 pts so I'm over again. Going to really try to stay good from here on.
Carpel tunnels setting in. Talk to you from the road. Xx
Honestly yesterday was bs. No workout and no aps. Fiber cereal for breakfast. Gross sandwich and guac for lunch. Thai for dinner - I got steamed veg w peanut sauce to try to make up for lunch. Overall guesstimate is that I came in around 25 points.
Usual fiber cereal w berries + milk - 4
Grapes - 1
Grilled chx on whole wheat wrap with lettuce, tomato and tzatziki - 7 (guess)
Nutter butter cookie - 2
5 stuffed grape leaves - 5
Turkey w cheddar, mayo, lettuce and tomato on sourdough - 10 (guess)
A glass of cabernet as I type this - 2
That's it. Roughly 29 pts so I'm over again. Going to really try to stay good from here on.
Carpel tunnels setting in. Talk to you from the road. Xx
Tuesday & Wednesday's Menus - Bobby
Total Points: 31.5 (34.5 left for the week)
HG: I think so? But I'm not confident enough in that to take a point.
Workout?: No.
2 eggs, 2 wheat, 1 yogurt - 8.5
Salad, points from:
1/2 Avacado: 4.5
Oil: 2.5
Salmon: 6
Bagel Bites - 10
Total: 42 (24 left for the week)
HG: No
Workout: No
Mojo Bar - 8.5
Tangelo - 1
Salad. Points from:
2 eggs - 4
Avacado - 4.5
Oil - 2.5
Chipotle Steak Burrito - 26
OK I have clearly been a slacker blogger. I just want to get this posted and then I promise I will make it up for you by providing many random thoughts throughout the weekend. Katy will be away so she'll have lots of fun to come back to!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday's menu - Katy
Total points: 20.5/22 here, but I'm sure I picked at stuff throughout the day to get me to 22.
HGs: Yep. (total so far- 5 days of activity)
Exercise: You bet. Took belly dancing class with the girls again. (total so far- 6 days of exercise)
HGs: Yep. (total so far- 5 days of activity)
Exercise: You bet. Took belly dancing class with the girls again. (total so far- 6 days of exercise)
- Fiber cereal combo with berries and skim... is this getting boring? - 4
- 2 small clementines - 1
- Turkey sandwich - 3 (I never know how to guess deli meat, so this is a generous guess)
- on whole wheat - 2
- with lettuce, tomato, onion, hot peppers and a little bit of honey mustard - 0
- Enough roasted veggies to kill a bitch (cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms and snap peas) - 0
- some chocolate to calm a wild craving - 2
- 2oz (dry) whole wheat pasta - 3
- 2 tsp EVOO - 2.5
- 3 tbsp crumbled feta/grated cheese (& a dash of garlic salt) - 2
- 1 serving of 3 bean salad - 1
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday's menu - Katy
Good day yesterday. At least I got out of my Sunday wackness routine, whatever that was.
Total Points: 22/22
HGs: Yes!
Exercise: Yes! I ran 3.75 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical, and then did floor exercises. I was working out some serious energy. (I earned a bonus point for 4 workouts from yesterday, I forgot to mention.)
Stopped at the bank on my way to an appointment and had to take a lollipop because I'm a child - 2 pts
So, not bad. Trying to keep things in check for now, since I leave in 2 days to go to LA eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Total Points: 22/22
HGs: Yes!
Exercise: Yes! I ran 3.75 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical, and then did floor exercises. I was working out some serious energy. (I earned a bonus point for 4 workouts from yesterday, I forgot to mention.)
- 2% cottage cheese - 2
- 1/2 cup blueberries - .5
- 1/2 cup Fiber One - 0
- OJ - 2
- 2 clementines - 1
- Salad loaded with veggies, egg whites and kidney beans. Points from:
- Oil (& vinegar) - 2.5
- Kidney beans - 1
- Banana - 1.5
- 2 Hershey's minis - 1.5
Stopped at the bank on my way to an appointment and had to take a lollipop because I'm a child - 2 pts
- TJ chicken nugs - 4
- Mexi-mix that I made bc I wanted a burrito and we had no wraps, so I mixed the following in a bowl and just ate it:
- 2 tbsp fat free black bean dip - 0
- Light mexican shredded cheese - 2
- 1 tbsp 0% Greek yogurt - 1
- 1 cup mixed peppers - 0
- aaaaand then I randomly popped a falafel ball in my mouth for no good reason - 1
So, not bad. Trying to keep things in check for now, since I leave in 2 days to go to LA eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I guess I should write down what I've been eating, huh?
Sorry, busy day.
30 points, No HG's (5 so far) Yes workout - hour bike ride (4 so far).
Yogurt - 2
2 serv. Special K Protein Plus - 3.5
2 slices wheat bread - 2
2 eggs - 2
2 chicken sausages - 7
2 slices wheat bread - 2
Panera Chicken Noodle Soup - 2
Panera 1/2 Classic Salad - 2
Panera Iced Green Tea - 2
Skinny Cow Peanut Butter /Choc Ice Cream Sand. - 3
31 Points, No HG's (5 so far) No workout (4 So far)
1 serv Special K Protein Plus - 1
1 yogurt - 2
1 Mojo Bar - 1
Lunch (Sushi with Lauren)
2 salmon / avacado rolls - 10
Miso Soup - 0
Salad wit a thick dressing on it - We'll say 3 even though that is probably a little high
3/4 cup raisins - 6
1 Chicken Sausage on potato Roll - 5
Tons of Broccoli - 0
Sorry no real reflection here. Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to gather my thoughts a bit - I had wanted to put a big WEEK 1 in REVIEW! WE ARE AWESOME! post, but for some reason even though today and yesterday I've been completely on track pointwise ( not using bonus points at all) I feel a little out of whack. Maybe its because I haven't done HG's. Maybe its because I haven't done a REALLY hard workout (i.e. The Shred) since Friday. Maybe its because I rode my bike into an unexpectedly open car door yesterday.
Most likely I'm just kinda busy and therefor not as focused. Oh also, the car door.
Sunday's menu - Katy
Total points - ??
HGs - Nuh uh.
Exercise - Yes. That I did.
I have no idea what I did yesterday. Like seriously, I couldn't begin to guess my points, but I do think I stayed under 22. If not, I definitely stayed under all my extra bonus points and APs.
Birthday brunch at Tricia's
Dinner after Will Ferrell's "You're Welcome America" (fucking amazing) at TGI Fridays (fucking awful)
Dessert when I got home to combat the nausea of my disgusting dinner
Okay, this was really half assed I know, and none of it was my "normal" way of eating, so I'm just going to pretend it didn't happen and start over today.
Best part of yesterday: We put on "Single Ladies" at brunch and my aforementioned 22 month old BFF Charlie was watching Beyonce and copying the moves. I. Love. Her.
HGs - Nuh uh.
Exercise - Yes. That I did.
I have no idea what I did yesterday. Like seriously, I couldn't begin to guess my points, but I do think I stayed under 22. If not, I definitely stayed under all my extra bonus points and APs.
- Small banana - 1.5
Birthday brunch at Tricia's
- 3/4 bagel with cream cheese - I'll guess 6.
- Berries - 1
- Some of this awesome extacy Chex Mix with chocolate, peanut butter, and powdered sugar - don't wanna know.
- French fries with Charlie (the 2 year old I babysit) on the way home - ? I had like 4. So, I'll guess 4 points.
Dinner after Will Ferrell's "You're Welcome America" (fucking amazing) at TGI Fridays (fucking awful)
- 1/3 of my chicken bruscetta pasta vomitinmymouthIhatechainrestaurants - ?? I can't find the stats, but I do know that it was one of the lowest calorie items on the menu. And I think I should've earned APs from all the dry heaving I did after I ate it, therefore making the meal 0 points.
Dessert when I got home to combat the nausea of my disgusting dinner
- 100 cal pack of grasshopper cookies - 2 pts
- 1 glass of skim milk - 2 pts
Okay, this was really half assed I know, and none of it was my "normal" way of eating, so I'm just going to pretend it didn't happen and start over today.
Best part of yesterday: We put on "Single Ladies" at brunch and my aforementioned 22 month old BFF Charlie was watching Beyonce and copying the moves. I. Love. Her.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday's Menu - Bobby
The last time I was hardcore about Weight Watchers I actually found weekends easier because I often had more control over what I ate. Now that my weigh in day is Sunday morning though, I'll definitely be extremely diligent on Sunday (no more bacon cheeseburger and curly fries hungover breakfasts), but felt a little less pressure considering the 12 bonus points I had left over for the day. Now that I'm writing down what I ate though, I think next Saturday I'll try to be a little bit more diligent and healthier overall.
In summary, yesterday I ate (Not in this order):
Yogurt - 2
Special K Protein Plus - 1
2 slices of pizza - 18
The world's most delicious apple - 1
For lunch, I went to Lite Bites, home of the British burger, but instead of that I got a turkey wrap with bacon bits and avacado. It came with chips but I didn't eat any! Instead I got a side fruit salad. I'm not sure how many points it came too, but definitely less than the 21 points I had left for the week.
Update: Oh also, I didn't workout, but walked a TON. Craig's friend Jake, an artist, was in town, so we went to the MOMA P.S. 1 in Queens. The subway was being weird though so we walked there. It wasn't exactly mountain climbing but still, a fun, tiring day. No HG's but I already got all of mine for the week.
And now I'm off get my forth workout by riding my bike on this ridiculously nice day.
Katy's menu - Saturday
FYI this is one of the first times I ever counted points on a weekend. It used to be my wild time.
Total points: 32.5/22 - which, considering the bar/pizza, is pretty damn good I think. 7 extras left for today, going to try not to use, plus 11 APs earned so far this week (at least).
Exercise: Yes! I finally took my "before" pictures yesterday (I kept forgetting) and that was certainly enough motivation to walk my ass to the gym and get a workout in.
HGs: Yeeeeeah daddy!
Late night - Fontana's and Fat Baby for Kirsten, Tricia and Hollan's birthdays. Followed by Ray's. Ugh, so good.
Total points: 32.5/22 - which, considering the bar/pizza, is pretty damn good I think. 7 extras left for today, going to try not to use, plus 11 APs earned so far this week (at least).
Exercise: Yes! I finally took my "before" pictures yesterday (I kept forgetting) and that was certainly enough motivation to walk my ass to the gym and get a workout in.
HGs: Yeeeeeah daddy!
- The usual fiber combo cereal with skim milk, 1/2 c berries and a small banana - 5
- 1c TJ Spagetti-O's - 3
- with 2 tsp EVOO mixed in - 2.5
- 2 slices of turkey w. 1 tsp light mayo - 1.5
- Asparagus - 0
- roasted in 2 tsp EVOO (oil all over the place today!) - 2.5
Late night - Fontana's and Fat Baby for Kirsten, Tricia and Hollan's birthdays. Followed by Ray's. Ugh, so good.
- 4 Bud Lights - 9
- 1 slice of DELCIOUS pizza - 9 (which I think is generous for pizza, but Ray's slices are huge.)
- 1 mozzarella stick - 2
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday's menu - Katy
Ughhh weekends, my ultimate challenge. I'm determined to keep my shit together though and this blog will help keep me accountable.
Also, next Thursday I'm flying to LA to move my man Alex back to the east coast (!!!!). (!!!!!!!!!). I'm obviously so fucking excited, especially since this time period between Christmas/New Years and now has been the longest stint of time we've gone without seeing each other (6 weeks), since we've been doing the long distance thing (almost 10 months). It goes without saying that it's been insanely difficult in every way, and I'm so excited to see him and give LA the proverbial finger as we bring him back to NY. But I digress. My point for this blog is, four days in the car driving cross country is going to be a points raping, so to speak. Any advice?
Without further a-do...
Total points: 28.5/22 (19.5 left for the weekend + 7APs earned so far this week, should I so desire to use them.)
HGs: Nope. Will do better next week. I seriously get everything but the oil every day, WTF.
Exercise: Nope, but will today and tomorrow to get my point.
Dinner (went out to a BYOB Greek restaurant with the girls)
The last item on that list caused me to fall asleep on top of my bed as soon as I got home- dress, tights, cardigan and all. Weird because I used to be a 1-bottle champ when it came to the vino, and now even 2 glasses gets to me.
Also, next Thursday I'm flying to LA to move my man Alex back to the east coast (!!!!). (!!!!!!!!!). I'm obviously so fucking excited, especially since this time period between Christmas/New Years and now has been the longest stint of time we've gone without seeing each other (6 weeks), since we've been doing the long distance thing (almost 10 months). It goes without saying that it's been insanely difficult in every way, and I'm so excited to see him and give LA the proverbial finger as we bring him back to NY. But I digress. My point for this blog is, four days in the car driving cross country is going to be a points raping, so to speak. Any advice?
Without further a-do...
Total points: 28.5/22 (19.5 left for the weekend + 7APs earned so far this week, should I so desire to use them.)
HGs: Nope. Will do better next week. I seriously get everything but the oil every day, WTF.
Exercise: Nope, but will today and tomorrow to get my point.
- TJ Fiber cereal, Fiber One, 1c frozen berries, skim milk - 4 pts
- OJ - 2 pts
- Turkey sandwich on whole wheat, with lettuce/tomato/pickles/hot peppers and a little honey mustard - 4
- Steamed veggies - 0
- 2 Hershey's Kisses - 1
Dinner (went out to a BYOB Greek restaurant with the girls)
- Garlic pizza/bread - 5
- 3 stuffed grape leaves - 3
- Over a bed of veggies - 0
- With 1/8 cup feta - 1.5
- and olives - 1
- Whole wheat pita - 2
- 3 glasses of deliiiiicious red wine - 5
The last item on that list caused me to fall asleep on top of my bed as soon as I got home- dress, tights, cardigan and all. Weird because I used to be a 1-bottle champ when it came to the vino, and now even 2 glasses gets to me.
Friday's Menu - Bobby
Its early so I just want to list things before I start my Saturday and forget to. If you want witty commentary, read Katy's posts.
Workout: Yep! 30 Day Shred. (3/4)
2 eggs, 2 wheat breads, yogurt - 8
Giant salad. Points from:
Oil - 2.5
Avacado - 2
Egg - 2
Tuna / Avacado Roll - 5
Apple - 1
Tangelo - 1
2 Slices of Pizza - 18 glorious points
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday's Menu - Bobby
I have phantom readers too (I see you, Hannah Burke.) If it makes you feel any better Katy, in my previous post I specifically asked for comments and have gotten zero. Also, I have laughed very loudly at every one of your posts. I'd really like you if you weren't my sworn enemy.
Oh I feel like I should mention that I moved my weigh in day to Sunday, just so it would line up with our first weigh in. The weekly weigh ins aren't part of the bet, but it seems relevant when I say how many Bonus Points I have left.
Total Points: 32.5/31 (21 to blow Friday/Saturday) I was SURE I had hit it on the nose when I added in my head, but has a tendency to add a stupid half a point when you have 2 of something.
HG's: Yes. I do shots of oil. (4/5)
Workout: Yep, swam before work. (But did not swim again after work, as I told the internet I would - 2/4)
What is apparently my standard Breakfast:
2 eggs, yogurt, 2 slices of wheat - 8
Lunch (Rickshaw):
Bad news is 6 Dumplings apparently will set you back - 9.5
Good news is, the dressing separates itself, so i was able to only use 2 tsp of oil - 2.5
Great news is I got it on top of the large salad for a few extra bucks. I love knowing that veggies are free.
Tangelo - 1
12 Almonds - 2
1 MorningStar Veggie Burger - 2
1 Chicken Sausage - 3
2 Potato Rolls - 4.5
Thursday's menu - Katy
First of all, don't think that I don't notice that people reply to Bobby's posts and not mine. I notice. And to all my phantom readers out there, holler at your girl. I know there's probably only so many ways you can respond to my fiber-packed diet, so I guess you're excused.
Total points used: 25/22 (29 bonus points left for the week)
HG: No. I swear to god I am just going to do straight shots of oil.
Exercise: No.
Total points used: 25/22 (29 bonus points left for the week)
HG: No. I swear to god I am just going to do straight shots of oil.
Exercise: No.
- The usual fiber-packed cereal with 1/2c berries and skim milk - 3.5
- Turkey sandwich on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, pickles, hot peppers and a little honey mustard - 4.5
- Steamed veggies - 0
- Medium banana - 1.5
- Falafel in light carb wrap with hummus, olive tapenade, and feta - 10.5
- 1 glass of wine - 2
- Frosted Mini Wheats for dessert - 3
Ask the Former Fatties!
A reader whose name rhymes with Face Wrangler asks, "If I read the Former Fatties blog while eating a bacon, egg, and cheese, does that make it count less or more?"
Answer: The former fattie in me says, "It counts exactly the same. Depending on the specifics of your sandwich, it could be up to 16 points. Girls tend to be allotted somewhere in the low 20's for the day. "
The fattie that still lives just below the surface says, "Extra bacon please."
You can leave questions for our next edition of Ask the Former Fatties in the comments section below. Someone please do it.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Sad Art

Auria: What should we get for the candy jars?
Bobby: Hmm...these pretzels don't have many points...or any salt.
Auria: Not worth it!
Bobby: AGREED.
Auria: This SUCKS! What do healthy people eat for snack?
Bobby: Fruit?
Auria: ...fruit.
They then walked to the produce section. When they passed the butcher section, they simultaneously grunted: Meeeeeeeat.
I should note that those tangelo's are scrumptious. On the other hand, they are not as scrumptious as the M&M's that used to be in that jar.
Wednesday's Menu - Bobby
Total Points - 37 /31 (22.5 for the week)
HG's: You know it. (3/5)
Workout: Yes (1/4)
I eat La Yogurt (I think "light") Probiotic Vanilla, for 2 points. La Yogurt was my Dad's client a million years ago so its just habit - I enjoy it but I've never really tried other yogurts. Also, he uses it instead of milk in his cereal. I'm a dry cereal kinda guy, but its probably worth a shot.
Yesterday brought the return of 30 Day Shred to my life. Apparently it had been longer than I thought since I had last done it, so I'm nice and sore today. FEEL THE BURN.
Side note: I swam this morning and thought I had a party tonight, but apparently it is next week (that was an early-ass facebook invite). I'm therefore going to swim again tonight. I write this now because if I tell the internet I'm going to, I'm going to have very little excuse not to. Also, I want Katy to know exactly how she's going to lose.
2 eggs (sunny side up) - 4
2 slices wheat bread - 2.5
La Yogurt - 1
Salad, points from egg, oil, salmon - 9
The Reason I Love Bonus Points:
A random slice of pizza in the afternoon. Delicious - 9
Leftover Apricot chicken - 8.5 (I think this is generous but whatevs)
1/2 cup of rice (instead of a whole cup. Look at me being skinny!) - 2
Wednesday's Menu - Katy
First of all - I am jealous and I want to go food shopping with Auria. Second of all - I have a hard time finding a low point yogurt that isn't disgusting, and doesn't leave a gross "Sweet n' Low" aftertaste in my mouth. For that reason, I tend to just eat my trusty 0% greek yogurt, and mix in some berries or a little honey, or just some splenda. BoRo- let me know if you find another good one.
Anyway, yesterday's eats:
Total points: 22/22 on the dot.
Exercise: Yes - tried out a Zumba class at the gym and realized that I do not have the hips nor the coordination for any type of Latin dance. Good workout though.
HGs: Yep.
Anyway, yesterday's eats:
Total points: 22/22 on the dot.
Exercise: Yes - tried out a Zumba class at the gym and realized that I do not have the hips nor the coordination for any type of Latin dance. Good workout though.
HGs: Yep.
- 2% cottage cheese - 2
- 1/2 cup frozen berries mixed in - 0
- Hale & Hearty Tuscan White Bean & Spinach soup (large) - 7
- H&H 7 Grain bread - 2
- (Bobby - or anyone - if you want the nutrition stats for all soups at H&H, I have them.)
- 2 small clementines - .5
- TJ's chicken "drumettes" aka chicken nuggets - 3
- TJ's organic form of Spaghetti-O's - 3
- 2 tsp oil mixed in to Spaghetti-Joe's (this was gross at first, but mixed in it wasn't so bad. I was feeling physically weird after the gym and food shopping, and the only thing that sounded good was chicken nuggets and spaghetti-o's. I think I am regressing.) - 2.5
- Banana - 2
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Former Fatty Fieldtrip!
We're having quite the fit day at our workplace. First, Auria called me at an hour in which no phone calls should be made, to make sure I was getting up in time to do 30 Day Shred. We both arrived already worked out and met at Whole Foods to stock the fridge with healthy foods.

Here we see Auria holding Liberte 6 Grain Yogurt. We were willing to try Liberte because it said it had fruit and whole grains and barley. Even though that sounds gross, it also sounds a little bit like beer.
We then realized its also got tons of points. We might as well just drink beer.
Tuesday's Menu - Bobby (Updated)
Total Points: 37 out of 31 (Leaving 28.5 bonus points since apparently I over-counted for Monday's Broccoli - Thanks K!)
HG: Yes! (2/5)
Workout: No! (0/4)
First off, I'm really sorry about Gossip Girl. I know how much you loved it. The ones we love can hurt us the most. I'm glad that I somehow never watched another episode after watching the first 9 in one day. Just please tell me none of this is Blake Lively's fault. Loves her.
Second off, you are doing so great! Katy, I love that you worked out for an hour and a half yesterday even though you were sore. I thought I had done better than I did but then I realized I forgot to include the rice and the yogurt, for a total of 6 points. Still, I have plenty of bonus points left for the week, so I'm over it. In fact, you are SUPPOSED to use most/all of your bonus points, and I don't see a binge in my near future.
Finally, I was much more in the groove of HG's, and I think my salad lunch was key. Tons of veggies, and I took my two teaspoons of oil and threw in a little balsamic for dressing.
- 2 eggs - 4
- 3 slices wheat bread - 3.5
- Salad. Only points came from an egg (2), half a piece of salmon (4.5) and oil (2.5) - 9 total
- 12 Almonds - 2
- 4 Bagel bites - 4
- 1 LaYogurt Light Probiotic Vanilla - 2
- Chicken breast - 5.5 (I used the Perdue Fit & Easy chicken because it has the words "Fit" and "Easy" in the name. I had two pieces, which, after some math, is about 1 standard chicken breast)
- Half a plateful of broccoli - 0
Didn't get to go swimming because I had to stay at my apartment while workers fixed a pipe in my wall. Yes Craig was home but he can't be trusted / stop ruining my excuse.
UPDATE: Forgot in my evening that the chicken breast was "Apricot" chicken. This means that it was cooked in apricot preserves and fat free Catalina dressing, which as best I could figured adds 3 points. Counted that on, just didn't blog it.
Tuesday's menu - Katy
I'm slowly learning that lunch is where I tend to blow most of my points. Working in advertising, I find we're going out to lunch or ordering in almost all of the time. It's hard to stay good, partially do to lack of self control and partially do to really having no control over how your meal comes out, as you'll see below:
Total points used: 28 out of 22 (leaving 29 flex points for the week)
HGs: Nope. No oil. God damnit.
Exercise: Yes! (+3 APs) I took belly dancing class at the gym. I thought it was 1 hour, but it was actually 1.5 so that was a treat. It was a cool class, but I realized my coordination is not what it used to be.
Lunch - again I was in a session and we ordered from Mangia.
Total points used: 28 out of 22 (leaving 29 flex points for the week)
HGs: Nope. No oil. God damnit.
Exercise: Yes! (+3 APs) I took belly dancing class at the gym. I thought it was 1 hour, but it was actually 1.5 so that was a treat. It was a cool class, but I realized my coordination is not what it used to be.
- TJ mini cinnamon raisin bagel - 2
- 1 wedge Laughing Cow light swiss - 1
- OJ - 2
- 2 links Morningstar Farms veggie sausage - 1
Lunch - again I was in a session and we ordered from Mangia.
- Minestrone soup - 4
- Salad with veggies, and chick peas and feta, and I asked for BEETS but they gave me BACON (and I ate it) - 8.5 :\
- Applesauce - 1
- Mexican pizza: FF black bean dip on a low carb/high fiber tortilla with low fat shredded cheese - 4
- 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese - 2
- 1.5 glasses of wine - 2.5
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday's menu - Katy
Bobby- Good work yesterday! I haven't gotten a chance to actually catch up with you today, but sweet job. One thing - from everything I've read, non-starch veggies are 0 points. Always. No matter how much you have. So you gain a point back, cause you don't have to count broccoli!
As for me...
Total points used- 22/22
HG- Yes!
Workout- No! (Still couldn't walk... this really is sabotage.)
Lunch - Ordered from Mangia...
Dinner (things got weird here, but Gossip Girl was on and I wasn't about to waste time in the kitchen. PS, the show is going down the tubes. Like seriously, what is happening. Rachel and Dan need to be bitch slapped. So stupid.)
And that's my day. I'll post today's menu tonight/tomorrow, but now I must get to the gym for... belly dancing class?
Yeah, I said it.
As for me...
Total points used- 22/22
HG- Yes!
Workout- No! (Still couldn't walk... this really is sabotage.)
- Trader Joe's (TJ) High Fiber Cereal with dried berries - 1
- 1/2 cup Fiber One - 0
- 1 cup frozen berries from TJ - 1
- 1 cup skim milk - 2
- 1 coffee - 0
Lunch - Ordered from Mangia...
- Vegetarian Tomato Soup with eggplant and parmesan - 3 (but I truthfully have no idea)
- "Simply Vegetables" sandwich which has just veggies (incl. avocado which is points), no fat dill yogurt and dijon mustard on 7 grain bread - 5 (4 for the bread, 1 for the avocado)
- 2 Hershey's minis - 1.5
- 2 small clementines - 1
Dinner (things got weird here, but Gossip Girl was on and I wasn't about to waste time in the kitchen. PS, the show is going down the tubes. Like seriously, what is happening. Rachel and Dan need to be bitch slapped. So stupid.)
- Leftover onion dip made with 0% yogurt and some Ruffles - 4
- Roasted asparagus - 0
- Drizzled with 2 tsp oil - 2
- 2 oz roasted turkey breast - 1
- 4 tsp fat free TJ black bean dip - .5 (I put a little dip on each slice of turkey and a schmear of 0% yogurt and wrapped them up. I don't know what it was, but it was good, and I needed my protein)
And that's my day. I'll post today's menu tonight/tomorrow, but now I must get to the gym for... belly dancing class?
Yeah, I said it.
Monday 2/2/09
Total Points: 33.5 / 31 - leaving 33.5 bonus points for the week
HGs?: Yes (1/5 needed for week)
Workout?: No (0/4 needed for week)
I hate eating in the morning. Every single other time of day there is nothing I love more (excpet Kelly Clarkson), but in the morning it just feels like WORK. Thus, it makes perfect sense that this is the only time when it is apparently really important that you eat. LIFE IS AWESOME!
I think the key for me is to get a few points in before I leave for work, but I'm so often in a hurry. I therefore spent most of yesterday feeling pretty hungry, which is NOT good, especially if I'm supposed to keep this up for another 107 days, 19 hours, 25 minutes, and 32 seconds. I've got some breakfast strategies, but I'll save them for a designated post.
My other life crisis was that I was still hungry towards the end of the day, but I was wasting 2 points on freaking olive oil just to complete my HG's and be able to subtract extra pounds at the end of our contest. Finally I remembered that WW gives you 35 Bonus points for the week. I essentialy made the decision that I'm going to use 2 extra points on olive oil for each of my 5 days counting my HG's. Then I'll still have 25 bonus points to have fun with during the week.
My food for the day:
3/4 cup Protein Plus Special K - 1
1 apple - 1
another 3/4 cup Protein Plus Special K - 1
Then throughtout the afternoon, I slowly ate:
Another Apple - 1
23 Almonds - 4
2 PB&J on wheat - 10
1/2 cup Raisins - 4
I measure out a tablespoon of Peanut Butter and a tablespoon of Jelly on each.
1 Chicken Sausage (I can't remember the brand right now but will update when I'm home) on a potato roll - 5
3 Servings Broccoli - 1
2 Tsp Olive Oil - 2.5
1 Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich - 2
Potato Rolls are delicious and high in fiber (and therefore low in points). I read a tip in a magazine once to buy a box of frozen vegetables and eat it yourself. Thus, I ate three servings of broccoli, which takes up so much of your plate but is really only 1 point. I dipped all of the broccoli in olive oil. Decadent.
HGs?: Yes (1/5 needed for week)
Workout?: No (0/4 needed for week)
I hate eating in the morning. Every single other time of day there is nothing I love more (excpet Kelly Clarkson), but in the morning it just feels like WORK. Thus, it makes perfect sense that this is the only time when it is apparently really important that you eat. LIFE IS AWESOME!
I think the key for me is to get a few points in before I leave for work, but I'm so often in a hurry. I therefore spent most of yesterday feeling pretty hungry, which is NOT good, especially if I'm supposed to keep this up for another 107 days, 19 hours, 25 minutes, and 32 seconds. I've got some breakfast strategies, but I'll save them for a designated post.
My other life crisis was that I was still hungry towards the end of the day, but I was wasting 2 points on freaking olive oil just to complete my HG's and be able to subtract extra pounds at the end of our contest. Finally I remembered that WW gives you 35 Bonus points for the week. I essentialy made the decision that I'm going to use 2 extra points on olive oil for each of my 5 days counting my HG's. Then I'll still have 25 bonus points to have fun with during the week.
My food for the day:
3/4 cup Protein Plus Special K - 1
1 apple - 1
another 3/4 cup Protein Plus Special K - 1
Then throughtout the afternoon, I slowly ate:
Another Apple - 1
23 Almonds - 4
2 PB&J on wheat - 10
1/2 cup Raisins - 4
I measure out a tablespoon of Peanut Butter and a tablespoon of Jelly on each.
1 Chicken Sausage (I can't remember the brand right now but will update when I'm home) on a potato roll - 5
3 Servings Broccoli - 1
2 Tsp Olive Oil - 2.5
1 Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich - 2
Potato Rolls are delicious and high in fiber (and therefore low in points). I read a tip in a magazine once to buy a box of frozen vegetables and eat it yourself. Thus, I ate three servings of broccoli, which takes up so much of your plate but is really only 1 point. I dipped all of the broccoli in olive oil. Decadent.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Former Fattie Spotlight: JENNIFER HUDSON
The National Anthem has been recorded in the studio for Super Bowl performances for years, but that doesn't change the fact that yesterday J-Hud rendered hundreds of years worth of performances irrelevant. It also meant that all she really had to do at the actual game was look gorgeous, and look gorgeous she did. And I don't mean that in a "for her" kinda way. Pure, unqualified, stunner.
Whopper Jr.
Today could have been worse, could have been a lot better.
I knew going into today that it would be pretty impossible to accurately count my points - hosting a party in which everyone was bringing food and I wouldn't even be at my apartment until a few hours before everyone arrived.
That didn't mean I had to go to Burger King for lunch though. My parents got engaged at Burger King (on April Fools Day) so I can't really turn them down when they offer to take T.J. and I there on the way to bringing us back to our respective boroughs.
For years, I got the Double Whopper every time I went to BK. Today I got the Whopper Jr. The Double Whopper is just a stupid amount of food. There are way healthier choices in the world than a Whopper Jr., but I did what I could.
Today is the highest eating day of the year. I'm a complete appetizer addict, and the Super Bowl is just hours of appetizers. Fortunately we didn't have any of my absolute faves. I ate a lot of crap, but never to the point of feeling full, let along painfully full. This is usually a Double Whopper of a day, but I chose to make it a Whopper Junior of a day. Was it healthy? Not at all. Was it within my points? Probably not but probably not absurdly outside of them. Essentially, for a Super Bowl - featuring a Steelers victory, no less - it could have been worse.
But it has become very clear to me that this contest will not be won by not eating quite as disgusting an amount of food as I usually would. As evidenced by the post below, it is going to be won by counting every point. This is exactly why I love this bet, because I can't just pat myself on the back and say I didn't do so badly, only to wonder why I never get any fitter. I need to actually get results. March 1st is 3 weeks and 6 days away. Thank goodness I gave Katy 30 Day Shred, thus immobilizing her for the better part of the week.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Day 1
So, it's the first day of the challenge. I weighed in this morning, and the number reflected my bad choices. It's okay though, I'm confident I can work it off within the next week or so. I'm pretty pumped for this whole thing and even with it being Super Bowl Sunday, I was determined to make some good choices.
I went back to my parents' house on Long Island last night and spent most of today there, which was hard to start the challenge when I wasn't in my regular routine, with my regular scale, or my regular fridge.
Anyway... my menu:
Brunch (went to the diner with Dad, because apparently I like to start things off with a real bang) --- 5 points out of 22 total.
Mid-day --- 3 points out of 22 total.
Dinner/Super Bowl --- 13 points out of 22 total.
So that's 21 of my 22 points, and I'm calling it a day.
Definitely didn't get my 8HGs in, but considering the diner this morning and the Super Bowl going on right now, I am SHOCKED I stayed within my daily points.
Also no activity today. I did Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred yesterday, and today could barely walk. My mom actually had to push me out of the car. I'm not kidding.
I went back to my parents' house on Long Island last night and spent most of today there, which was hard to start the challenge when I wasn't in my regular routine, with my regular scale, or my regular fridge.
Anyway... my menu:
Brunch (went to the diner with Dad, because apparently I like to start things off with a real bang) --- 5 points out of 22 total.
- Egg whites (I ordered two, I'm going to guess they made about 8. I ate half.) --- 1.5
- 1/4 cup ketchup --- 1
- 1.5 slices of whole wheat toast (dry) --- 1.5
- 1 cup steamed broccoli on the side --- 0
- 2 cups of coffee --- 0
- 1/2 cup skim milk (in the coffees) --- 1
Mid-day --- 3 points out of 22 total.
- 1 medium apple --- 1
- 1/2 cup 2% fat cottage cheese --- 2
Dinner/Super Bowl --- 13 points out of 22 total.
- 2 slices of high fiber bread from Trader Joe's --- 3
- 2 oz roasted turkey breast --- 1
- 1 wedge Laughing Cow light swiss --- 1
- 2 tbsp honey mustard --- 1
- 16 (ok, I'm guessing) Ruffles potato chips --- 5
- 1 cup of onion dip made with 0% Greek yogurt --- 2
- 2 cans of seltzer (no beer! I know.) --- 0
So that's 21 of my 22 points, and I'm calling it a day.
Definitely didn't get my 8HGs in, but considering the diner this morning and the Super Bowl going on right now, I am SHOCKED I stayed within my daily points.
Also no activity today. I did Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred yesterday, and today could barely walk. My mom actually had to push me out of the car. I'm not kidding.
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